MAFIA WARS: The Skill Breakdown

Every time you gain a level, you get 5 more skill points to spend. The introductory sequence to the game causes you to jump to level 2 and you will immediately find yourself with some skill points to assign to these skills.

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Your attack skill has two main uses. When you initiate an attack (whether through Fight, Rob, or attempting a Hit), your total attack value is compared to your defender's total defense value. Your attack value also has a minor impact on the amount of damage you cause whether attacking or defending.
Fightin' and Robbin' gets into more details over how the fight rolls are actually made, but here is a quick summary. For your mafia size, X, the game chooses your X best items with the highest attack value, X best armors, and X best vehicles. Outside of special loot items and before level 100, this means a Chain Gun at 16/14, a Body Armor at 4/7, and a Town Car at 10/12. So roughly every member of your family (assuming you have enough items for all of them) will add 30 attack and 33 defense. So 6 levels worth of skill points in attack is the equivalent of bumping your mafia size by 1 (whether through real people or the Godfather hired guns). Once your level is above 150 and a lot of your opponents will have a mafia size of 501, attack points can be useful. At low levels, it is a complete waste and dwarfed by your mafia size.


Defense works the same way as attack except it doesn't seem to have an affect on damage other than as a point of comparison to your opponent's health. Now since property robberies are limited by your level as far as the number of mafia that can be brought, having extra defense points will help defend your properties assuming that your mafia size is at least equal to your level. Once again though, at higher levels this becomes way more meaningful.


Health is the most meaningless of attributes to dump skill points in to. You can go to the hospital and completely refill your health every 45 seconds. If you are getting attacked by other players, unless it is from a hit, they can no longer hurt you once your health drops below 20. The only place where more health helps rather than hurts is in the boss fights in the game, as outlined in Doin' the Job, but as there is no special reward for completing the boss fights and there are bonus items you get from doing jobs to make the boss fights easier, you don't need more health. Finally, most of the time you are logged in, you will be wanting to keep your health as low as possible to minimize the number of fights lost, so it is highly recommended you never bump your health.
It may seems a high health will help you survive better if someone puts a hit on you, since if your health was high enough, you could heal every 45 seconds and never be knocked out. The problem with this theory is the hit never goes away until it is completed. You will have to sleep eventually and then that huge pool of health will just turn into a huge number of lost fights before you are inevitably knocked out. Since there is no defense from a hit and no way to get it cancelled, you are better off just dying in as few fights as possible so the hit gets cleared and you are back in the "protected" health range of 0-19.


Energy is currently the bread and butter of leveling, generating more skill points, and collecting special bonuses. Later in this section of the strategy guide, a plan is outlined for sinking every skill point you get into just energy and what this gains you (and costs you). Even if you don't want to go a pure energy route, it is highly recommended at least 40% of your skill points be allocated to energy. Unless more changes come in to the game to reward the other attributes more, by far the biggest bang for the buck in terms of money, items, and levels all come from a skill point assigned to energy. Finally, different jobs require more and more energy to do. You will not be able to complete all the jobs unless your energy is at least at 60 (not counting Top Mafia bonuses and the Energy Pack 25% bonus).


Stamina is perhaps the single attribute with the most variation on its importance based off of a given player's play style. It takes two skill points to boost your stamina just one point, but to judge the relative effectiveness of that skill point usage, let's take a breakdown on how it can be used.
Unless you are a Maniac, stamina will regenerate at the same rate as your energy, 1 every 5 minutes. The core difference between the two is that to do anything with stamina, you only need to spend 1 point, where as jobs will keep taking an ever increasing amount of skill points. If you are only attacking people you will beat in fights, a single point of stamina will average you around 2.5 XP where as a single point of energy will average you about 1.7 XP. Of course, since the stamina cost 2 skill points, the energy boost was still more efficient. The difference is, you can generate special loot items much faster with fighting than doing jobs.
If you are excited about being a hitman for other mob families and you don't care that they almost never pay enough to be worth it, you will need more stamina in order to attack someone the 2-15 times in a row that will be necessary to knock them out solo.
The basic recommendation is keep your stamina just high enough that you fully leverage the regeneration timer unless you don't want to fight others at all. For example, if you play off and on throughout the day, 12-24 stamina means you can check on the game every hour or two while you are awake and not lose out on fight opportunities. If you only check the game twice a day and still want to fight a lot, 144 Stamina may be worth it to you. There is no real benefit to increasing it anymore than that though and most players will never really miss out if they just leave it at the initial 3.

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