FARMVILLE: Tips & Strategys

Select crops with big profits – Consider cost of the seeds versus the money you will earn from harvesting the crop. You can easily compare the profitability of crops by subtracting the cost of the seeds from the money you make from

FARMVILLE: How to Level Up Faster

Tip #1
Save as much land on your farm as possible to plant new crops. Avoid buying any decorations  that will get in the way of plowing new fields.
Tip #2

FARMVILLE: Basic Strategy

Customizing your FarmVille character – Upon starting FarmVille you’ll be presented with the opportunity to change the appearance of your FarmVille avatar. You can select different colors for his/her skin, hair, eyes, clothes, etc.

Moving your FarmVille character – You can make your character walk by

MAFIA WARS: How to Get Collections

Mafia Wars collections are a group of seven items that are looted when completing jobs in a certain job tier. Different job tiers are unlocked as players level up. The higher the tier, the better the rewards and the better the collection.
Each tier has seven special items that can be looted and used to gain stat boosts and other gameplay advantages. The image below shows the seven items necessary to complete the Street Thug job tier collection.

How They Help

MAFIA WARS: The Energy Speed Leveling Strategy

If you have ever min/max-ed a character in a different RPG game, this strategy will come as no big surprise to you. The general idea behind the phrase "min/max" is that there is a benefit to be gained by focusing solely on one or two given stats that comprise your character and ignoring all the others with

MAFIA WARS: Rollin' a Bankroll

Financial problems are fairly common in the low levels, though if handled early can stay completely solved for the remainder of your mob career. Whether you just don't have enough money to make the next purchase to unlock a job, can't afford to completely outfit your family, or

MAFIA WARS: Generating Mad Skills

We have talked about the fact you get 5 skill points every time you gain a level, but there are two other ways to generate skill points as well. Every time you complete a new mastery level of one of the jobs, you are awarded a new skill point. You can also go to

MAFIA WARS: The Skill Breakdown

Every time you gain a level, you get 5 more skill points to spend. The introductory sequence to the game causes you to jump to level 2 and you will immediately find yourself with some skill points to assign to these skills.

MAFIA WARS: Using The Godfather

The Godfather is the game's way of letting you spend reward points. You start the game with 10 and will get 1 more for every other level you obtain plus another 5 as a bonus after you start playing. Outside of that, reward points are gained by